Striking the Iron

The Saratoga History Museum invites the public to see "Striking the Iron" an opportunity to step back in time. The event will take place on Sunday October 20 from 1-4. Admission is free.

A highlight of the event will be three blacksmiths demonstrating the art of blacksmithing on the patio. They will demonstrate and answer questions about blacksmithing. The blacksmith was an indispensable member of the pioneer community in the 1850s. Blacksmiths made and repaired tools used for building and farming, such as plows, scythes, and smaller hand tools. They also fashioned housewares and cooking and laundry utensils, shod horses, repaired wagons, and some crafted wagons and carriages.

Lots to do! Visitors can also visit the 1850's pioneer cottage of the McWilliams House. A costumed docent provides tours of the house. Be sure to take a look at the food utensils used in cooking. Also on hand is the one-room school house with a docent providing a glimpse of what school was like in the 1800s. The McWilliams blacksmith exhibit contains an up close look at hundreds of tools used by blacksmiths and includes interesting audiovisual films on blacksmithing. The museum has a special exhibit called “Did You Know“—with over 100 interesting and sometimes whimsical facts about Saratoga.

Light refreshments will be available.

The museum is located at 20450 Saratoga-Los Gatos Road in Saratoga. Go up to or call 408-8667-4311 for more information.

Free Activities

Explore our Pioneer Living program for 3rd-5th grades, and take a walk around Saratoga to spot Bats and Other Wildlife using these pictures.

Pioneer Living.

Bats and Other Wildlife in Saratoga.

Take A Moment Out and Read About the History of Saratoga Blacksmiths!

The attached presentation gives a quick overview on the roles of a blacksmith in 1850 as well as the blacksmiths that once worked in Saratoga. The information was given in a presentation to the Saratoga Foothill Club as well as was part of a display in the Saratoga Library lobby.

Click here for the presentation: The History of Saratoga Blacksmiths

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Support local history and the museum today. The Saratoga Historical Foundation invites you to join, renew your membership or make a dontaion today.

Click on this link to complete your membership application on line.
Click on this link to make a donation on line.

The Saratoga Historical Foundation Museum
The Saratoga Historical Foundation Museum located at Saratoga Historical Park: 20450 Saratoga-Los Gatos Road, Saratoga, CA
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  • 2024 Upcoming Events
  • Event Sunday October 20 from 1-4— Striking the Iron
  • Zoom Lectures:
  • TBD

Latest recorded lecture video available

You can watch this video, along with past lectures and presentations at the Saratoga Historical Foundation's YouTube channel.

Subscribe to our channel and sign up for notifications when new videos are available.

Community Service
Saratoga High School students looking to fulfill community service requirements can contact Linda Hagelin at the Saratoga History Museum. Please e-mail HERE with the date you can work. The museum is open Friday and Sunday from 1-4PM, Saturday from 10PM to 4PM.

Visit the Museum Gift Shop

Stop by the Museum gift shop and see the new book from Author and Lecturer Robin Chapman: "The Valley of Heart's Delight--the True Tales from Around the Bay. Chapman has written many popular books about the Bay Area-- including "California Apricots-- The Lost Orchards of Silicon Valley. This book promises to be just as interesting and more! It's a compilation of various vignettes of people in Santa Clara's history. It will make a great Christmas gift or just a gift of friendship to someone interested in history. Come on by and purchase a copy. You'll find other books by Robin in our gift shop!!

The Museum Gift Shop has copies of the hard to find Florence Cunningham's "Saratoga's First Hundred Years" along with over 20 other books on local history, postcards, notecards and more.

The gift shop is open Friday and Sunday from 1-4 PM and on Saturdays from 10AM-4PM.

Support the Saratoga Historical Foundation with AmazonSmile

The Saratoga Historical Foundation is now on the AmazonSmile list. Visit when you want to purchase an item and select the Saratoga Historical Foundation, by doing so, .5% of your purchase will be donated to the Saratoga Historical Foundation. No extra cost to you-- it is part of a program initiated by Amazon to give back to the community.

Saratoga Historical Foundation  ·  20450 Saratoga-Los Gatos Road, Saratoga, CA 95070-5935  ·  #408.867.4311
